Perform Mission

Empowering People of All Ages to Realise More of Their Full Potential, Achieving More, Experiencing More, Being More of What They Want From Themselves In Every Way

Empowering individuals of all ages to unlock their fullest potential, achieve remarkable feats, embrace enriching experiences, and embody their desired self in every facet of life through the transformative journey of the Perform PPC mission.

Empowering People of All Ages to Realize Their Full Potential

  1. Starter Plan Customization:
  • Price: Starting at $500 one-time fee per bot
  • Includes:Customization of up to 3 bots
  • Integration with client's branding and website design
  • Basic lead generation setup
  • Zapier integration for data transfer
  • 2 rounds of revisions

  1. Growth Plan Customization:
  • Price: Starting at $1,000 one-time fee per bot
  • Includes:Customization of unlimited bots
  • Advanced lead generation setup
  • Removal of Aminos branding
  • Zapier integration for data transfer
  • Integration with client's branding and website design
  • Multi-language support (if required)
  • 3 rounds of revisions

  1. Limitless / Agency Plan Customization:
  • Price: Starting at $2,000 one-time fee per bot
  • Includes:Customization of unlimited bots from the Aminos Limitless / Agency plan
  • VIP personal support
  • Advanced lead generation setup
  • Removal of Aminos branding
  • Zapier integration for data transfer
  • Integration with client's branding and website design
  • Multi-language support (if required)
  • Natural language processing (NLP) integration (if required)
  • 4 rounds of revisions

Note: The above prices are suggested starting points and can be adjusted based on the complexity of customization, additional features required, and client-specific needs. It's also important to consider offering maintenance and support packages for ongoing assistance with bot management and updates.

Additionally, consider offering discounted rates for clients who require customization for multiple bots or long-term partnerships. Always provide transparent pricing and clearly outline what's included in each package to ensure client satisfaction.

The LAUNCH aspirational program for PERFORM PPC is "MAKING MEN GREAT AGAIN" a comprehensive men's support resource and strategy designed to contribute to the community via positively influencing significant men READ MORE>>



Education and Skills

"Elevating Men Through Education and Skills: Building Strong Foundations for Personal and Professional Growth."


Money and Business

"Fostering Financial Acumen and Business Mastery: Empowering Men to Thrive in the Modern Economic Landscape."


Career Navigation

"Navigating Career Success with Purpose and Confidence: Guiding Men to Achieve Fulfilment and Excellence."



"Strategic Excellence for Men: Equipping Visionaries with Tools to Thrive and Lead."


Health and Wellness

"Optimal Health and Wellness: Empowering Men to Live Vibrant Lives and Achieve Peak Performance."


Leadership & Winning

"Unleashing Leadership and Winning Mindsets: Guiding Men to Lead with Purpose and Achieve Remarkable Success."


Nurturing Excellence through Knowledge and Proficiency

Education and Skills

In the Education and Skills section of our mission website, we delve into the core belief that continuous learning and honing essential skills are fundamental to personal growth and success. This section serves as a comprehensive resource hub for men who are committed to their development, offering a wide range of educational insights and practical skills to enrich their lives.

Our Focus:

1. Lifelong Learning: We recognize that education is a lifelong journey, not confined to formal classrooms. This section is dedicated to fostering a culture of continuous learning, encouraging men to explore new subjects, challenge their intellectual boundaries, and keep their minds engaged.

2. Skill Development: Here, men will find resources to acquire and refine practical skills that enhance their daily lives. From mastering technical proficiencies to nurturing soft skills like communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving, we offer guidance to elevate their capabilities in all areas.

3. Personal Growth: Education extends beyond academic pursuits; it encompasses personal growth as well. Our articles and guides help men develop emotional intelligence, resilience, adaptability, and self-awareness, ensuring a holistic approach to becoming well-rounded individuals.

4. Professional Advancement: The Education and Skills section equips men with the knowledge and insights to excel in their careers. We provide insights on career navigation, effective networking, job-seeking strategies, and workplace dynamics to help men achieve their professional aspirations.

5. Personal Finance: Financial literacy is an integral part of personal growth. In this section, we offer guidance on budgeting, investing, managing debt, and understanding economic trends, empowering men to make informed financial decisions that align with their goals.

6. Entrepreneurship: For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, we provide resources to kickstart business ventures and navigate the complex world of start-ups. From business planning to marketing strategies, our content guides men in turning their vision into reality.

7. Lifelong Empowerment: Our commitment to education and skills is unwavering, emphasizing that every man can continue to evolve, adapt, and excel at any stage of life. With a focus on empowerment, we encourage men to seize opportunities for growth, both intellectually and practically.

In the Education and Skills section, we invite men to embrace their innate curiosity, cultivate proficiency in diverse areas, and embark on a journey of perpetual self-improvement. By fostering a passion for learning and skill acquisition, we aim to guide men toward greater personal fulfilment, professional success, and overall excellence.

Navigating Financial Success and Entrepreneurial Endeavours

Money and Business:

Welcome to the Money and Business section of our mission website, where we empower men with the knowledge, strategies, and insights needed to thrive in the complex world of finance and entrepreneurship. This section serves as a comprehensive resource hub for men who are determined to achieve financial stability, make wise investment choices, and explore the realm of business ownership.

Our Focus:

1. Financial Mastery: In this section, we delve into the principles of financial literacy, guiding men on budgeting, saving, and understanding the dynamics of personal finance. Our resources aim to foster a sound financial foundation, allowing men to make informed decisions that align with their goals.

2. Investment Strategies: Navigating the world of investments can be overwhelming. Here, we provide insights on various investment options, risk assessment, and portfolio diversification, enabling men to make confident choices that contribute to long-term financial growth.

3. Entrepreneurship: For men with an entrepreneurial spirit, we offer resources to take their business ideas from conception to fruition. From crafting a business plan to developing effective marketing strategies, we provide guidance to support the journey of entrepreneurship.

4. Business Growth: Whether launching a startup or managing an existing business, our content covers strategies for sustainable growth. We explore effective leadership, customer engagement, and operational efficiency to help men create and sustain successful ventures.

5. Wealth Creation: Our focus extends beyond financial stability to wealth creation. We share insights on wealth-building techniques, estate planning, and generational wealth strategies, empowering men to secure their financial legacies for future generations.

6. Financial Wellness: True financial success encompasses emotional well-being as well. In this section, we address the psychological aspects of money management, helping men develop a healthy relationship with money that promotes both financial and personal wellness.

7. Economic Trends: Staying informed about economic trends is crucial in making sound financial decisions. We provide analyses of market trends, economic indicators, and global financial developments, equipping men with the knowledge needed to navigate a rapidly changing financial landscape.

The Money and Business section is a hub of valuable resources designed to equip men with the tools they need to make informed financial decisions, thrive in the world of entrepreneurship, and build lasting wealth. By merging financial acumen with entrepreneurial strategies, we empower men to secure their financial futures and create impactful legacies for themselves and their loved ones.

Guiding Men Towards Fulfilment and Excellence

Career Navigation:

Welcome to the Career Navigation section of our mission website, where we guide men on a transformative journey towards achieving meaningful and fulfilling careers. This section is dedicated to providing valuable insights, strategies, and resources to help men make informed decisions, navigate the ever-evolving job market, and realize their professional aspirations.

Our Focus:

1. Career Clarity: Finding a fulfilling career starts with self-awareness. In this section, we offer tools and exercises to help men discover their passions, strengths, and interests, enabling them to align their career paths with their authentic selves.

2. Job Seeking Strategies: Effective job seeking requires a strategic approach. Our resources cover resume building, networking tips, interview preparation, and negotiation techniques, empowering men to stand out in a competitive job market.

3. Professional Development: Continuous growth is vital for career success. Here, we explore skill development, certifications, and workshops that enhance expertise and increase job prospects, ensuring men are well-equipped to excel in their chosen fields.

4. Workplace Dynamics: Excelling in the workplace involves more than just technical skills. We delve into workplace etiquette, effective communication, team collaboration, and leadership development, offering insights to help men thrive within their professional environments.

5. Career Transitions: Life is full of changes, and career transitions are no exception. Whether pursuing a new industry, starting a business, or returning to work after a break, we provide guidance and strategies to navigate transitions with confidence.

6. Leadership Advancement: Aspiring leaders will find resources on honing leadership skills, managing teams, and creating a positive impact in their organizations. We encourage men to take on leadership roles and contribute to their fields with authority and integrity.

7. Balancing Work and Life: Achieving career success without compromising personal well-being is a priority. This section addresses work-life balance, stress management, and maintaining overall wellness while pursuing professional excellence.

The Career Navigation section is a comprehensive toolbox designed to empower men to take charge of their professional journeys. By offering a blend of career insights, skills development, and self-discovery, we guide men towards careers that align with their passions, values, and goals. Through strategic planning and continuous growth, we support men in realizing their potential and achieving fulfilment in their professional pursuits.

Elevating Men's Vision and Execution for Success


Welcome to the Strategy section of our mission website, where we explore the art of strategic thinking and planning, empowering men to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve their goals with purposeful intent. This section serves as a comprehensive resource hub for men who are determined to approach life with a strategic mindset, leading to impactful decisions and remarkable outcomes.

Our Focus:

1. Strategic Vision: A clear vision is the foundation of strategic success. In this section, we delve into the process of defining a compelling vision that aligns with personal and professional aspirations, driving men towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

2. Goal Setting: Setting achievable goals is crucial for progress. Our resources provide insights into setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals, tracking progress, and adapting strategies as circumstances evolve.

3. Decision-Making: Making sound decisions requires a blend of intuition and strategic analysis. Here, we delve into decision-making frameworks, risk assessment, and effective problem-solving techniques that empower men to make informed choices.

4. Planning and Execution: Effective strategies require well-defined plans and flawless execution. We offer guidance on crafting action plans, allocating resources, and maintaining focus to ensure that strategic initiatives are carried out successfully.

5. Adapting to Change: In a dynamic world, adaptability is key. This section addresses strategies for embracing change, staying agile in the face of uncertainty, and capitalizing on new opportunities that arise.

6. Innovation and Creativity: Strategic thinkers embrace innovation and creativity. We explore methods to foster a culture of innovation, encouraging men to think outside the box and explore new ways to approach challenges.

7. Long-Term Success: Strategic success is about sustainability. We provide insights on building enduring strategies that stand the test of time, promoting long-term growth, stability, and ongoing achievements.

The Strategy section is a treasure trove of resources designed to empower men to approach life with purposeful intent and strategic wisdom. By cultivating strategic thinking, setting clear goals, and executing plans with precision, we guide men towards achieving their aspirations and leaving a lasting impact in every facet of their lives. Through a blend of foresight, adaptability, and calculated action, we inspire men to become architects of their own success stories.

Cultivating Wellness and Vitality for Men's Success

Health and Fitness: Cultivating Wellness and Vitality for Men's Success

Welcome to the Health and Fitness section of our mission website, where we prioritize the well-being of men by offering a comprehensive guide to achieving optimal health, physical fitness, and overall vitality. This section serves as a valuable resource hub to empower men to make informed choices, adopt healthy habits, and embrace a lifestyle that supports their personal and professional success.

Our Focus:

1. Holistic Well-being: True health extends beyond physical fitness. In this section, we explore a holistic approach to wellness, addressing mental, emotional, and physical health to ensure men experience a balanced and fulfilling life.

2. Physical Fitness: Fitness is a cornerstone of well-being. We provide guidance on designing effective workout routines, incorporating cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility workouts to help men achieve their fitness goals.

3. Nutritional Excellence: Nutrition is a vital component of overall health. Our resources cover balanced eating, understanding nutritional labels, and making informed dietary choices that fuel the body for optimal performance.

4. Mental Resilience: Mental health is paramount. We explore strategies for managing stress, enhancing emotional intelligence, and developing resilience to effectively navigate life's challenges.

5. Sleep and Restoration: Quality sleep is crucial for physical and mental restoration. This section delves into the importance of sleep, sleep hygiene practices, and techniques for improving sleep quality.

6. Mind-Body Connection: Understanding the mind-body connection is essential for holistic well-being. We explore mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation techniques to help men cultivate mental clarity and emotional balance.

7. Longevity and Long-Term Wellness: The Health and Fitness section addresses strategies for promoting long-term health and vitality. From anti-aging practices to disease prevention, our resources guide men towards a future of well-being.

The Health and Fitness section is a comprehensive toolbox designed to equip men with the tools they need to prioritize their well-being and thrive in all aspects of life. By fostering physical vitality, emotional well-being, and mental resilience, we empower men to lead healthier, happier lives, supporting their personal growth, professional success, and overall fulfillment. Through education, mindfulness, and conscious choices, we guide men towards a path of lasting wellness.

Guiding Men to Inspire, Lead, and Achieve Excellence

Leadership and Winning:

Welcome to the Leadership and Winning section of our mission website, where we delve into the principles of effective leadership, strategic thinking, and cultivating a winning mindset. This section serves as a dynamic resource hub to empower men with the tools, insights, and strategies needed to lead with purpose, inspire others, and achieve remarkable success in all aspects of life.

Our Focus:

1. Leadership Excellence: Leadership is about more than authority; it's about influence and impact. In this section, we explore the qualities of effective leadership, providing guidance on leading by example, fostering collaboration, and making a positive difference.

2. Inspirational Leadership: Inspiring others is a hallmark of true leadership. We delve into strategies for motivating and empowering teams, cultivating a shared vision, and fostering an environment that encourages growth and innovation.

3. Winning Mindset: A winning mindset is the foundation of success. We provide insights on developing resilience, overcoming self-doubt, and embracing a positive outlook that empowers men to overcome challenges and seize opportunities.

4. Strategic Decision-Making: Effective leaders make strategic decisions. This section addresses decision-making frameworks, risk assessment, and strategic analysis, empowering men to make informed choices that align with their goals.

5. Leading Through Change: Leading in a dynamic world requires adaptability. We explore strategies for navigating change, leading teams through transitions, and capitalizing on opportunities that arise from uncertainty.

6. Empowering Others: Leadership is about lifting others up. We provide guidance on mentoring, coaching, and developing the potential of those around you, fostering a culture of growth and excellence.

7. Personal and Professional Triumph: Leadership and Winning extends beyond the professional realm. We explore how applying leadership principles to personal endeavours can lead to triumph and fulfilment in all areas of life.

The Leadership and Winning section is a comprehensive resource designed to equip men with the knowledge and skills they need to lead with authenticity, purpose, and impact. By fostering leadership excellence, cultivating a winning mindset, and embracing strategic thinking, we guide men towards achieving remarkable success and leaving a lasting legacy of inspiration, influence, and achievement. Through effective leadership, men have the power to create positive change, inspire others, and achieve their highest aspirations.


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